Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I had peace ... for a moment

Yesterday I made a neat discovery. Sometime since Chris deployed, they instituted a child supervision hour at the fitness center on base. I had no idea! It is 3 times a week for 2 hours. During this time they play with the kids while the moms work out. They bounce balls and chase each other and dance. I never looked into going on base to work out because I didn't think that they ever had childcare. Now I know better.

So I went today. I refuse to expose how very out of shape I am by saying what all I did, BUT I thoroughly enjoyed myself. It was a peaceful moment, and I will be taking advantage of it every chance I get.

On the way home, I ran to the bank. I grabbed the kids out of the car and ran inside. There was no line and thought I'd be out in 10 minutes at the most.

I never noticed the golf-pencil in Kairi's hand. She frequently takes them from church and leaves them in her car seat. And I never imagined that I'd have to spend 10 minutes cleaning her writing off the wall at the bank. Of course, they never asked me to clean it off, but I was not about to let Kairi think she got away with it. I made her help me clean it. And made her say she was sorry to every person in there that I could find.

I think that Friday I'll take advantage of my peace again....


  1. aww... yay for a break and moment of peace. Way to take charge of your kids :-) and teach them responsibility for their actions even at such a young age.

  2. Oh yeah! Take every moment you can! Our gym charges all of $6/month per kid for 2 hours/day. I don't go everyday, but I've been known to think awfully hard about it.

  3. Abby ~ Kairi is really good at knowing that when she makes a mess that she WILL clean it up. The bad part of that is that she does it so often that she now enjoys cleaning up her messes, so she'll make a mess just to get the privilege of cleaning it. :) Silly girl.

    Rachel ~ I definitely am looking forward to going every time it's available. And $6/mo/kid isn't bad at all! I would definitely take advantage of that!
