Monday, January 5, 2009

It didn't happen...

You know that long list from yesterday? Do you know why next to nothing is crossed off? It's because it didn't happen. Everything I tried to do I got sidetracked on and by the end of the night, all I could think of doing was staring at a computer screen. Don't get me wrong, I started a LOT of things. It just didn't all happen the way it should have.

So today I get to do it all. And hopefully before Chris is ready to come home (yeah right).

No more blogging. Things have to be done.


  1. I thought I replied to this... I'm sorry you didn't finish. I have until the end of the week to get mine done, but would rather sooner than later lol.

  2. It's ok. I really don't have something specific that it needs to be clean for, other than I like it to be that way when Chris gets off duty because it puts him in a better mood. But if it's not clean, he can't complain since he helps make the mess and doesn't help clean up. He always tells me that as long as we have dishes to use, a few clean clothes, and you don't trip when walking through the room, that he doesn't care how clean or dirty the house is.

  3. Aww.. Jas is good about it too. I'm wanting it as clean as possible before Monday though... That's when I start babysitting and I don't want to deal with as much after that. Thankfully (as Jas pointed out the other day) I keep it the cleanest when I am watching a second kid, so hopefully it'll stay that way lol. (btw this new style is odd.. won't send the replies to me like normal)

  4. That is strange ... lemme see if I can find a setting that fixes that. It does email comments to me ... but I had to add my email address in for it to do that.
