Wednesday, April 22, 2009

To Do

Today's To-Do List -- it MUST be completed before Chris gets home, and since all I did yesterday was reread Twilight, I decided that I probably needed to write down my list somewhere that I could check on it time and time again. Honestly, I didn't feel good yesterday and that's why I spent the day reading. Unfortunately, today I feel worse than I did yesterday but I've already used that excuse, so it has to get done. My one relief is that Chris comes home tonight and can therefore help with the kids. (He had duty yesterday and therefore spent the night on the ship.) But tonight is Wednesday so it's a church night ... so no early bedtimes tonight. Oh well ....

So without any more stalling -- The List:

~ Make bed
~ Sort and fold towels
~ Wash diapers (Maybe I should start this one before folding the towels)
~ Put away clean dishes
~ Wash dirty dishes
~ Take out trash
~ Toys out of the living room
~ Get supper planned and started
~ Straighten the bathroom
~ Rescue string of pearls from my bathroom drain so I can use MY sink again. His is gross.
~ Sweep and mop kitchen floor
~ Lunch prepared and kids fed
~ Litter box cleaned out

Really, that's not too much, is it? I mean, there's a lot on the list, but they're all little things. None of it is the mess that it usually is when I get this overwhelmed.

I'll be back to update as it gets done.

1 comment:

  1. Good job knocking out that list!! I'm sorry you're not feeling well. I hope things get better for you soon!
