Wednesday, April 15, 2009

More Blood Drawn

I visited the vampires lab technicians again today. Well, technically my visit was to see the doctor and discuss whether or not I needed to be tested for hemochromotosis, which I do and I already knew, but I pretended to be dumb because Navy doctor's seem to treat you better when you don't know things about medication and diagnoses and treatments. Whatever. Anyway, I went in, played dumb, and he quickly came to the conclusion that yes I needed to be tested. So I had another 5 freaking tubes of blood drawn.

He also, though, surprisingly took me seriously about the joint pain. I say that it was surprising, because the last doctor gave me the impression that she didn't believe me and that my pain couldn't be real because she didn't her labs didn't give a reason for it. Anyway, he is sending me to a rheumatologist. He did warn, though, that while the approval to see the rheumatologist will be here in 7-10 days, that waiting times are horrible. So it may be a while before I actually get to see one.

In the meantime, if I haven't heard anything within 2 weeks about my blood results, I need to call back.


  1. I hope they can get you in quickly! I am so glad you finally went and got the blood drawn for the test though! Love ya girl and I'll be praying!

  2. I thought I commented! Oops... Hope you get in quickly too. The vampire comment made me laugh, as did the thought of you playing dumb. I'd do the same though...

  3. Thanks girls!

    And yeah, I HATE playing dumb...but you do what you have to do to get good treatment, right? ;)
