Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Lovely Habit .....

I just spent the last 30 minutes or so playing on facebook figuring the budget after having just changed Alex's diaper. I stand up once I am thoroughly convinced that we are flat broke and that either the Navy needs to give us a sudden pay raise or I'm going to have to take some drastic measures to bring more money into the house (we're not seriously that bad off ... but sometimes it feels like it, and truly not the subject right now). Anyway, now that I was completely convinced of our brokeness (word? probably not, but pretend it is) I stood up to check on my son.

He's currently in a disposable diaper because he had diarrhea all day yesterday and if I have the disposables, I might as well use them for diarrhea because I really don't enjoy washing diarrhea out of diapers. I glance over at him to see him spinning in circles. I figured he'd be due for a diaper change soon, but wanted to get something to drink first. As I walked through the living room, I noticed that the chair he had been sitting in has a lovely wet spot. And there are wet spots on the floor .... awesome. I begin to wonder while grabbing towels how in the world he has managed to pee through a diaper in less than an hour. I start soaking up his mess and grab Alex to begin changing his diaper. That's when I realize that the diaper's nearly dry. Confused, I took a moment to survey my son.

He's wearing a very wet tshirt and a diaper. But the diaper is dipping down in front. Wait. No it's not. He has pulled his penis out of his diaper and it's hanging over the top! I begin to lecture him about this habit. His favorite time to do it is in bed so that I have to change his sheets in the middle of the night. And it's made me resort to putting one piece outfits on him at night -- I didn't want to have to do it during the day too!. Just as I yank the diaper off of him and start to pull his shirt off (because the pee apparently shot straight up the shirt) he begins to dance. And then he shouts ankoo ankoo while playing with himself and dancing in circles. *shaking head and rolling eyes with a smile*

I strapped a clean diaper on the boy and continued cleaning up his mess. I thought that cloth might be a better choice to stop this habit, but then he just takes the whole diaper off -- even the ones that snap!

I guess I need to start buying more one piece outfits.


  1. Is he talened enough to undo a diaper if the fasteners are in the back? We use gDiapers with cloth inserts. Zach has figured them out, but generally will leave them alone. Tom isn't there yet. And I use disposable for diarrhea too...just can't stand cleaning up the cloth for that.

  2. Potty training time? I mean if he's starting to pull it out... maybe its time to think about it lol. We're in that lovely in between zone too though and I've had to put panties over Kalila's diapers to keep her from pulling them off.

  3. Rachel ~ Probably not, but his current ones won't work if I put them backwards and I can't afford to invest in new diapers right now. I may put the disposables backwards until we're through with them though. Good idea -- thanks!

    KM ~ No, he's definitely NOT ready for pting. It's more of a "I have this cool toy that feels good to play with" thing right now. He's been majorly fascinated with it for the last 3 months. I'm hoping that once Kairi finally trains that Alex becomes interested in it but right now he has absolutely no patience for the potty. Every time I've set him on it he immediately stands up, plays with himself and tries to stick his head in the pot. It's just a toy to him. lol

  4. LOL! Gotta wonder what goes through their minds at times huh?

  5. lol, I love Alex. I guess my time is coming, huh? I'm so not looking forward to THAT.
