Thursday, May 28, 2009

Memorial Weekend -- A general update

We had quite a weekend! And it didn't end until yesterday! Unfortunately, I can't find my camera's battery charger, so I have no pictures. :(

Chris's parents got into town Saturday night and stayed until yesterday morning. Sunday we went to church of course. We went to St John's Seafood that night. Their food is always yummy and they give so much food! That night Chris grilled fajita meat for us. Loved it!

Monday we went to MOSH (Museum of Science and History). While I will say that by the end I was ready to pull out my hair due to the whineyness that is my daughter, overall the trip was good. And I'm fairly certain that most of the whineyness was due to missed naps. Chris grilled for us again that night. I love it when he grills; it's always so good!

And Tuesday Tony (my fil) relandscaped the backyard! I'll have to find the battery charger and take a picture because there is no way to explain what he did unless you've seen my backyard, but I absolutely love it! When (if?)the rain would clears up, I know that the kids will love playing out back even more now. :)

The in-laws left yesterday morning and while I loved having them here, it was really nice to get back to a semi-normal routine. Of course, Kairi and Alex keep asking for PaPa (he's a definite favorite). And since they took the dog with them, they're constantly asking for "my Tiga puppy". (Dog's name was Tiger.) We almost changed our minds and kept Tiger, but neither Chris nor I felt like dealing with her pooping and hacking up loogies on the floor anymore. Honestly, his parents are much better equipped to deal with it since they don't have kids. Oh, and it bummed me out yesterday when I realized I had to wash my own dishes. LOL ... Becky (mil) knows how much I hate washing dishes and did it for me while she was here. I love her!

I am truly lucky. While from time to time each of my in-laws get on my nerves or do something I don't agree with, I am truly lucky to have them. First of all, we all make the extra effort to get along. And I know that they see how much Chris has grown up since meeting me, marrying me, and having kids. I know that they credit a lot of that to his commitment to me, and therefore they respect my decisions and the way I handle things. Also, they have conceded that while they may not always agree w/ my parenting style (although they usually do ... just a few moments that we disagree on), they had their chance to raise their boys the way THEY wanted to, and now it's my chance to raise my own kids and make my own mistakes. Becky will frequently give input, but if I ignore her advice she doesn't get upset or mad at me. Becky and I talk on a daily basis and if I don't call her, she gets worried about us. Tony and I agree on general political topics, but frequently disagree on specifics ... so we "discuss" our differences on occasion. But I think my willingness to stick to my beliefs while still at least considering his viewpoint has increased his respect for me. We get along better now than ever. I love also that they always try to take a step back from my marriage and any disagreements Chris and I might have most of the time. All in all, I have great in-laws. :) And I know that I'm very lucky to have them. So when I say that I'm sad to see them go, it's real. Besides, who could I not be excited to have them around when I know the joy that their visit brings my kids. Kairi screeches their names and celebrates the moment they show up, and she doesn't calm down until she's asleep. :)


  1. I'm glad yall had a good weekend! Sounds fun...

    That's great that you have that relationship with your inlaws. I have a similar one w/ my FIL... I wish I did w/ my MIL but I doubt that's gonna happen ever... but we're in a truce right now so life is bearable w/ her lol.

  2. I am glad the visit went well! Now go find your camera charger!!!!! (better check Kairi's room first, lol)
