Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I hate days like yesterday

When I first got up yesterday morning, I was hopeful. I was hopeful because despite a not great night of sleep, it had still be more that normal. I was hopeful because despite hurting, I didn't have any plans that would kill me to cancel so I could stay home, get caught up, and hopefully stop hurting before long. I was hopeful because I had planned to make homemade pizza for supper with all of Chris' favorite toppings. I was hopeful because I knew that sometime between 2 and 5 Chris would come home. I haven't had him home on a Monday night in a couple of weeks. And I was hopeful because I had Ladies Devo scheduled for 7pm that night and Chris would be home to watch the kids so that I could go.

And then it started. The whines, and hits, and shoves, and screaming, and yelling. All of those came from my children. After every picture I edited I was having to stop and break up another fight. I finally gated the two into separate bedrooms for 5 minutes because I couldn't get either child to stay in time out for anything. When I let them out, they ran to each other, hugged, and then started fighting again. *sigh*

My mom tried to encourage me that after a good nap, the kids would be refreshed and in better moods. Yeah ... didn't happen. The whining -- oh the whining. I wanted ear plugs. And I'm certain that today I will find bruises on the kids from each other. It was that bad.

Chris came home finally. Around 4 -- which was good because it gave me a little extra time to pick up since I'd spent the morning with pictures instead of cleaning. The whining let up for maybe 5 minutes. Maybe. Then he did it. Chris instead of asking me to run to Sonic for a drink and a chili cheese coney for him, he handed me his spending money, and a coupon, and pretty much TOLD me to go. Ummm... yeah, that didn't go over so well. Yes, I was more than willing to go get it. But don't tell me to. Ask me.

I had been planning on starting the pizza dough around 4, but was distracted by the above situation. So when I got home, Chris had started putting the stuff into the bread machine. I helped him finish up and realized that it wouldn't be ready until 10 till 6. Oh well, at least supper would be done by 7 and the kids in bed by 7:30.

At 6 I walked into the kitchen wondering why the bread machine hadn't said that it was done. I looked into it. All the ingredients just set there, like the machine had never been turned on. But it WAS on. Chris came in to see what was wrong. We figured it out, and the pizza dough was restarted. But it was 6. If we waited to finish the pizza for supper, it would 8 before we were even sitting down to eat.

So I left. Again. I ran to Food Lion, which I hate, to pick up Voila's Garlic Chicken frozen meal and some Texas Toast. There were a couple of other things I needed, but I figured that I'd be gone at most 25 minutes. Supper would be ready by 7 and the kids in bed by 7:30, just like originally planned.

But they were out of the Garlic Chicken. I was frustrated and trying to decide what to do instead when a stocker found me. He quickly reassured me that there were more in the back and that he could grab some for me. He told me to give him 2 minutes. 15 minutes later he found me (I had given up on him by then) in another part of the store w/ 3 bags of my garlic chicken. I pulled my basket into one of the two open lines. Both were lined into the aisles. As soon as I was close enough to put my groceries onto the counter, another register opened. And another one. Gee, thanks.

I got home at 7 just as a thunder storm was hitting. Storms mean no satellite. Chris had finally gotten both kids in a good mood by sitting on the floor and signing and watching Dora with them. But the minute the storm hit and the satellite was off, the fighting and whining started again.

Supper was ready by 7:30, and so was the pizza dough, by the way. One thing I will say for eating so late -- the kids ate! Well, Kairi refused to eat her broccoli, but her carrots and corn were devoured! Alex ate EVERYTHING.

Kids were finally in bed by 8:15. And they were still fighting, whining, and crying as we tucked them into bed.

Obviously, Ladies' Devo did NOT happen. After putting the food away, I looked at my messy kitchen, turned off the light, and walked out. I grabbed an ice cream sandwich and a book, and then curled up on the couch and read until 10.

Thankfully, they seem to be in MUCH better moods today.
So here's the plan for the day:
~Clean that kitchen that I should have last night.
~Reclean the kids rooms.
~Start the laundry.
~Park this afternoon -- maybe Chris will be home in time to go with us!


  1. I'm sorry you had a bad day yesterday! I hope today is much better

  2. (((HUGS))) hun! I know JUST how you feel. It must be in the air or something because my kids have been at each other's throats also! Love ya!

  3. sigh...I hate days like that. I'm sorry you had to have one! And is it the month of whining?? Jaycie has been whining like crazy (probably her upper 2 yr molars) and Jacobe will scream as soon as I walk out of his sight...not to mention him not sleeping at night...at all.
