Monday, June 22, 2009

Something I Should Have Shared and Just Haven't Yet...

So I've been a bad blogger and not been posting a lot recently. A couple of reasons for that, but the main one being no energy so very little motivation. The other is that I'm feeling guilty about not having my book post ready .... but it's just not so we're going to have to deal for a little while.

A week ago Saturday, we had an emergency. It was around 11:45 or so, and we had all been in our pjs still and were just lounging around. I finally decided to get up and start getting lunch ready so I walked into the kitchen. Then it happened. Kairi started yelling at Alex. He had been on her wheely bug and she wasn't happy -- she wanted him off of it immediately. I walked into the room and told her to stop yelling at her brother and to share with him. I quickly noticed that Alex was way too close to the tv. Now since THIS is our tv stand, I worry about him being close to it, climbing on it, or falling near it ... nothing had ever happened before, but that's the one piece of furniture in our house that bothers me. I tell him to scoot back.

But Alex, now having entered the terrible twos (which I must say, isn't bad at all compared to his sisters'), he didn't obey. Instead, he leaned forward and told me no. It tipped forward, sending his head right into that glass corner. Blood was EVERYWHERE, and I do mean everywhere. I had blood all over me, him, the living room, the bathroom. I did the best I could to get it to stop bleeding, but nothing seemed to work. Finally it started to slow, and eventually stopped. But by the time it stopped, we were already on our way to the er.

Here he is at the er, as cleaned up as I could get him:
By that point he was happy, smiling most of the time, and just annoyed when someone touched his head.

There they checked his head out, everything seemed ok. Then they put dermabond on his forehead instead of stitches because they didn't want to deal w/ the fight that that would cause. He did great and was happy to get out of there. :)

While there, though, the er doc thought that Alex was getting an ear infection. She originally checked them out because he's been falling a lot lately. She prescribed amoxicillin, but we managed to get out of the er w/o that prescription. I called back up there later to see if she could call it out to the pharmacy, but they couldn't locate her and no one knew what I was talking about. I decided that it wasn't worth the worry since we would just see his regular doctor Monday as a follow up on his head, and I needed to schedule and ENT appt anyway since we had missed his last one.

Regular doctor told me that there was nothing wrong w/ Alex's ears as far as he could tell -- redness in the ear canal after tubes is normal. ENT said the exact same thing. So all is good in Alex's ear land.

Apparently my son is just really clumsy at the moment ... which makes sense considering how much he's growing right now!

The dermabond has already fallen off and all is well in Alex's world once again.

And I have told Chris that he is required to be home the next time we have an er visit. ;)


Another post is coming today .....


  1. what a crazy night! luckily [knock on wood] I haven't had to deal with the toddler ER experience thus far - and honestly, I hope I never have to! I'm glad your little man is OK; maybe he learned his lesson?

  2. Wow... So sorry! I know from both firsthand experience (me) and my little brother that head wounds bleed A LOT even when there's nothing serious at all... but thankfully have not dealt w/ seeing it on my child. So not the same thing at all. I'm glad that Alex is ok and doing well... both w/ that and the ears. Kalila had an infection awhile back (the surprise one) and off her meds for quite awhile, but now she's poking her ears a lot... I can't tell if she's playing (both fingers in ears and grinning) or not because she looks goofy and happy but says yes when I ask if they hurt. I see no infection signs, but am keeping an eye out. We may have another dr's visit soon :-(

  3. MommaRuth ~ Thankfully, my daughter (almost 3!) has still not had an er visit ... so hopefully you won't with this one either!

    Kris ~ Alex plays with his ears how all the time and also always agrees that his ears hurt when I ask -- I vaguely remember Kairi doing the same thing around this age so maybe it's just a developmental thing? I dunno. I've tried to stop asking and watch for other signs... I know it's not the same for every kid, but generally when he has an ei he stops sleeping as well and his nose is running. I hope that Kalila doesn't have an infection any time soon!
