Friday, February 27, 2009

Dear Blog, I Missed You!

We're home! Hurray! I missed my bed. It's so much more comfortable than any other one that I've ever slept on. I don't know what I'm going to do when I buy a bigger bed. Finding one this comfy is going to be really hard.

So the trip was long. Good, but long. I obviously didn't get to see my family in Midland. I won't complain about that too much for fear I'll just become bitter about it.

So without further ado, the results from this trip. You can decide whether they're good or bad for yourself:

~My kids have foam swords.
~Alex is officially forward-facing.
~Kairi used the potty and only the potty on the trip home.
~My kids have matching rubber balls. You know the ones -- big bin at WalMart -- swirly colors on them.
~Alex's favorite word is "off" which can mean off, out, up, down, or in.
~Alex knows how to take disposable diapers off.
~My car is still in Texas. We have my mil's truck.
~I have my kids' toy chest back. Finally.
~My husband almost died when he suggested not taking the (empty) toy chest with us.
~Kairi can kick the seat in front of her hard enough to force it to go forward one notch.
~I read 2 1/2 books.

One other noteworthy thing -- if you volunteer to watch someone's house and they tell you that the key is in the lockbox on the frontdoor and then give you the combo to the lockbox, then for all that is good in this world, don't take the key out of the lockbox and put it on your key chain, and if you do put it back the day you know that the family is returning home. That key was supposed to be there in case my landlord had to have immediate access. And it's the only key we've got right now. Kairi did not appreciate getting home just for us to have to load her back up in the truck to go get the key. As a matter of fact, she screamed no at the top of her lungs while kicking and throwing things the entire 20 minute drive to the house where my key was being held hostage. She passed out on the way back. I will not complain any more than that about the key. My friend did clean up the dog's messes for an entire week and did quite a bit for us. I just wish that I hadn't had to go get my key when the lockbox was a perfectly safe place to keep it.


  1. I'm glad you're home! Yay for foam swords and using the potty! I'm sorry that you didn't get to Midland too. that sucks about the key. Poor Kairi!

  2. Glad you made it back and that the trip went well!

  3. YAY for being back home! Foam swords- well, good luck with that, lol....potty only- awesome! Sorry about the car......glad you didn't have to kill Chris about the toy chest! YAY for reading!

  4. I could understand that frustration with the lock box key thingy..... :-)
