Saturday, August 1, 2009

What a Day...

Tomorrow I will write/finish a sweet sweet post about how much I love my baby girl.

She's no longer a baby. She's 3!

But today, I'm a little overwhelmed with my evening and can't concentrate on how much I love my girl (even though I REALLY do) because of all the chaos and acting out of the day.

First of all, Kairi's in a defiant stage. No matter what I try to do, she tells me no. Even if it's something that she asked for moments ago. "No, I don't like it." "No, I don't want to." "No, not like that." "No." "No." "No."

So just getting out the door this evening was a challenge. But I'm planning her birthday party, and we HAVE to have invitations. We have to hand out these invitations tomorrow. I had to get to the store and buy something to use. And since Daddy's out of town again, it was Mommy + 2 cranky kiddos.

I finally got her in the car and we were on our way. There was a bus two cars in front of me. Suddenly, no where near what I thought was a bus stop ... the bus stopped, causing the car behind it and me to have to come to a screeching halt. If I had expected to have to stop right then, I probably wouldn't have been looking for the party store on the side of the road instead of the cars in front of me. But I didn't expect the stop, so I was looking at the side of the road instead of in front of me. So I almost hit the cars already stopped. Thankfully there was an empty right hand turn lane next to me, so I jumped in it and we were all ok ... but it definitely put me on edge.

We finally found the party store. It's 5 till 5. I pull Kairi out of the car ... the only reason she's cooperating is because someone bribed her with the promise of a balloon. I really shouldn't do that ...... Alex of course is always bubbling and happy, remaining completely unaffected by Kairi's poor attitude so he just walks along. We walk up to the door. All the lights are on. Filled balloons are all over the store. Kairi immediately sees the one she wants.

And it's locked. The store officially closes at 5 on Saturdays. And even though it's not quite 5 o'clock; even though employees can see my daughter bawling because she wants a balloon; even though all I needed were 3 packs of invites and 2 balloons -- no one is letting us in. Thanks a whole freaking lot.

On the drive to the store, I had noticed that there was a fabric store in the same shopping center. I drug We walked down to it. They're closed too.

Now Kairi is in hysterics. She's screaming no, trying to hit and kick me, and in general pissed off. I strapped her into the carseat where she started throwing everything she could reach at me. Alex climbs into his seat, lets me buckle him, and then turns to Kairi to ask "You ok?" Even Alex, the not quite 2 year old, could see the insanity of her behavior.

I decided to go to Target. There are 2 Targets in equal driving distance, but one would require going over the bridge and back by the bus stop in the middle of no where. I decided that I had had enough run ins with buses and would rather not cross the bridge. Finally, Kairi was no longer screaming at me. Instead, she was singing sweetly and telling me how happy she was.... And then it happened. Another bus. Stopped in the middle of the road. But at least this time at an actual labeled bus stop. I stopped in plenty of time. But the bus is still waiting. After checking all around me, I pull around the bus. I'm in my own lane. Almost past the bus. And someone waiting at a median decides that he has plenty of time to pull out in front of me. Except he didn't. He almost swiped off my front end as he pulled out. I laid on the horn. The bus lays on the horn.

Kairi started crying again.

We finally got into Target. I immediately asked Kairi if she needed to go potty. I begged her to go potty. I took her into the bathroom even though she told me no, to see if I could change her mind about the potty. But no, she didn't want to go.

So we started our shopping. Diapers, wet wipes, clothes for the birthday girl, a dress for Mommy to try on. Inside the dressing room, I smell something. Then I see it ... her jeans are SOAKED. UGH

I quickly change back into my regular clothes and run to check out. But then I realize that I still haven't found invitations (since I can't get them at the party store, nor can NOT hand some out tomorrow) and I haven't bought cookie and cupcake supplies.

And that's when I decided it. Kairi pooped in her panties. She knew she needed to go. I gave her plenty of chances to go. She chose to go in her own panties. She was stuck in them until it was convenient for me to change them. Yeah ... probably not the best mommy moment ever, but I stand by my decision.

I picked out invitations. Kairi wants a pirate party. Chris wants Kairi to have a pirate party. He's helping plan said pirate party. So I need pirate invites if possible. I finally found them ... but they're obviously boy invitations. I mean, there's a little boy on them. Oh well ... they're invites and by this point, I could care less.

Then on to the grocery section. Got a cake mix (because I am way too tired to make it from scratch tonight), frosting, and Diet Mountain Dew. (Hey, they were on sale....)

Back to check out.

Kairi melts down in the check out line because Mommy won't buy candy.

We finally get checked out. The cashier could tell I was frazzled by this point. He offered his sympathy and made the security guard let me into the bathroom with my already paid for merchandise even though the security guard didn't want me to go in. But hey, I just bought these clothes, and Kairi needs to put them on because I am NOT smelling that mess all the way home.

I got Kairi changed. Then changed Alex's diaper. He was still happy and bubbly and in overall great spirits. Thank God. Then I smelled something.

She pooped in her clothes AGAIN!!!

Changed her again.

Made it out to the car. Realized that it's 6:30. How can it be 6:30?!?

Kairi starts: "Mommy...I soooooooooooooo hungwy. I needa eat right now. Now Mommy! I needa eat! Alex is hungwy too. We needa eat! PLEASE!"

I looked up in my still parked car to see on the other side the parking lot a cafe. We pulled in. It's Sierra's Southwest Grill featuring "Fast Fresh Food". Whatever -- just let me eat.

They truly were fast and fresh... seriously amazing food. And then it happened. Kairi pulled her plate too close to the edge of the table and knocked it all onto the floor. Half of it went into her lap, which I saved... But it all started another crying fit. Seriously ... how many has it been in the last 2 1/2 hours now???

She finally stopped crying when I offered to go get her salsa. The girl loves her salsa. She started by dipping her chips into it. But that was too slow apparently, so she changed to her fork. That didn't work either. The next thing I knew she picked up the mini-bowl of it and started drinking! Then asked for more the moment she ran out.

I had had enough. I grabbed the brownies that I had bought to substitute for birthday cake and promised the kids that if they got in the car right that second, that I would give them cake. Alex was running. The boy moved faster than I have ever seen him move. Kairi, on the other hand, was just pissed off because she wasn't getting her brownie RIGHT NOW. She sat on the sidewalk in front of the car refusing to move.

That is, she refused to move until she saw Alex eating his brownie in his carseat. Then she ran.

We're now home. The kids are in bed (after another poop accident in her panties). And I just want to go to bed.

Instead, I get to fill out invites, clean the kitchen, bake cookies and cupcakes, reclean the kitchen, prepare food for the cp lunch tomorrow, and wash all the poopy clothes from today.

God, please make tomorrow better. Please?


  1. I will pray for a better tomorrow girl!

  2. Hugs

    I really am sorry. For the record I would have done the same thing w/ the poopy panties...

    Random question... When did she start that phase? Not the pooping lol, but the defiant part. Because she sounds so much like Kalila right now. Tonight it was over putting on pj's.

  3. Yesterday was slightly better ... thanks Joyce! I'm not saying it was amazing ... but not nearly as bad.

    Kris ~ I'm going to email you my response to your comment .... it got to be rather long. ;)
