Thursday, August 27, 2009

Rocky Road

The past few weeks have been rough. We knew that things were going to be tight this payday, but we didn't know that we were going to be scrounging for grocery money. After having an unauthorized debit leave our account -- and cause a few bounced checks -- we were in a panic.

Add that to needing a new place to live. (Have I mentioned that my landlord put my house on the market without informing me first?) And needless to say I've been stressed.

But things are starting to come together again. It looks like bills WILL be paid -- I've never enjoyed paying a bill more than I did this morning. LOL

And we've found a place to live! We're submitting our application today for a condo. It's NICE. And it will save us almost $300/mo! Plus, the kitchen. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. Seriously. Here, see for yourself:


I've seen the kitchen of the unit we're moving into, and yes -- it's THAT nice. :D I'm extremely excited about the move.

But here's the best news, Chris' deployment date has been pushed back! Instead of leaving 2 days before Thanksgiving, he'll be leaving sometime in January! We're going to Texas for the holidays and my brother's wedding as a family, thanks to this. It does mean that my grandmother isn't coming out when she planned on it, but I have to say that I'll take the trade. I am so happy that my husband will be home for a little longer!

So during my blogging-absence, things really have been like Rocky Road ice cream for us. Looks rough, but in the end God DOES provide (and has people help provide), and that is the sweetest flavor of all.

Oh, and maybe I should name my blog posts when I'm not fasting. Everything I thought of was related to food somehow........


  1. LOL - That is wonderful news! All around... I want to say more, but my brain is a bit fogged and I need to get up and finish what I started this morning lol. :-D

  2. LOL about everything related to food! But I am glad that things are working out for you guys! The place looks awesome, glad Chris isn't leaving for a while!

  3. What great news!! I'm glad things are coming together for you and WOO HOO for Chris staying home longer. What a blessing. (((HUGS)))
