Sunday, July 19, 2009

A Small Break in Your Regularly Scheduled Programming

Yes, I'm on a "break" from blogging, but not because I want to be. See, sitting up for more than a half hour at a time or so sends me into a massive asthma attack.

One week ago Saturday, I went to an urgent care center because the base clinic couldn't get me in. I had bronchitis and probably strep. Bronchitis was causing my asthma. So I was given a new inhaler, prednisone, and a Z-pack. Sunday morning I woke up feeling better than I had in a week. We went to church. Came home, had a great time. Monday I wasn't feeling any better, but not really worse either. By Tuesday, though, I was worse than I'd been on Saturday. My throat felt like it was swollen closed. I had absolutely no voice. When I called and asked for an appointment on base, I had to shout to be heard, and even then ended up repeating myself multiple times. I couldn't take a breath without coughing. They worked me into the schedule.

Unfortunately, that meant seeing Dr Evil. Ok, so she's not evil, but I still hate her. I hate every time I have to see her. It's not that she's not a good doctor, because she is; it's that she HATES children. And treats me like crap for bringing them with me.

After a small confrontation where Dr Evil wanted me to put the kids in day care for a few days so that I could get some rest, I left the office with another inhaler, new antibiotics, and having had a nebulizer treatment. I got home and Chris called shortly thereafter. He'd been with the ship in Virginia and just happened to have time to call me. I told him about Dr Evil wanting me to be on bedrest. He listened to me cough. He said that he was going to see if he could come home. It was a frustrating (for me because I didn't know what all was going on) process but he did eventually get a flight home the next day.

So Chris has been home since Wednesday evening. It has been heavenly. Ok, so maybe that's a stretch, but it's been great. For the most part I've stayed in bed trying to relax and rest. He's kept the kids from killing each other and breaking things. Now, my house could be declared a disaster zone and the moment I can breathe deeply without coughing I'm declaring it to be a state of emergency in order to get this place clean. But at least he's here. And I can rest. And he's here until Thursday, because he's on leave for a while. :) So maybe once I'm better we'll be able to take the kids to the beach and a couple other (free) places.

And I AM getting better. Two days ago there would have been no way for me to sit up this long and type this out. It would have given me a headache from lack of oxygen.

We'll return to regularly scheduled programming in a few days.