I've tried and tried and tried for the last few days to write something interesting for you. I've tried and tried to talk about what's going on in our lives. And I probably have about 4 blogs half written and saved ... but I can't go back and finish them. I don't know why, but I just can't.
Instead I'm going to summarize the last few days and then see where my mind goes from there:
Saturday Alex woke up with a cold. I didn't give it much thought other than to be annoyed that he had a cold in freaking July and to re-raise one side of his bed. Then Sunday night he threw up and started running a 102 fever. We took a bath together, gave him some tylenol, and neither of us slept most of the night. But the fever did go down and he stopped vomiting.
Chris had yesterday off, thank God. After Alex's nap he woke up really hot. I gave him some motrin, but he just got hotter and hotter. I finally forced him to let me take his temp again. 105.4! Chris immediately started drawing bath water again. We jumped in it fully clothed. He got Kairi dressed and a diaper bag packed. And as soon as he had everything ready, Alex and I got out of the tub and into the truck. I don't think I've ever been so scared in my life. He could barely stay conscious on the way to the hospital. I told Kairi to keep Alex awake if she could .... and she tried so hard. Finally she looked at him and goes "What wrong wit you? Talka me Alex! Talka me! I love you." :( That broke my heart and made me love her so very much.
They gave him a tylenol suppository. A lady from church showed up and took Kairi to her house where Kairi stayed most of the night playing with her and her husband. They are such a great couple ... both kids adore them.
At the hospital, they did discuss the possibility of keeping Alex overnight because we couldn't get him to pee. But we put a diaper on him finally (over the thing they were trying to catch his pee with) and the moment the diaper went on he peed -- he was just holding it!
Oh, and I pissed the dr off b/c I refused Amoxicillin. The last time he took it he vomited and had diarrhea for the next 2 days, I'm not putting him through that when he already has pneumonia! Instead, he's been given Zithromax.
So we're home. Alex slept through the night fairly well, only waking up a few times to ask for something to drink. Chris has to work today, but thinks that since Alex is sick that he'll be able to talk them into letting him off early to come home and help out. Especially since he has duty tomorrow night and then leaves again Friday.
Alex is going to be alright. We're watching him pretty closely. Trying to keep him calm and still, and of course hydrated. We have a follow-up tomorrow to make sure that he is getting better.
So let's hope that this isn't a tradition in the making....last year for my birthday Kairi threw up the whole day. The year before that I had a cold and was giant pregnant so overall miserable. This year Alex has pneumonia. I'm praying that next year it isn't Chris' turn. Otherwise, I'm going to start banning birthdays. ;)
Eta: Crap! Now K's nose is running just as badly as Alex's was on Saturday -- one sick kid is enough, I don't want 2!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
1 month ago
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