Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Here's Hoping

That today is better than yesterday. Yesterday wasn't bad, per-sea, but it ended up w/ me being exhausted, not everything done that needed to be done, and kids being so tired that they didn't sleep well.

My brother Micah is getting married in 12 days. ♥ I love him and his bride to be, Janice, very very much and have been blessed with being asked for both Kairi and I to be in the wedding. Kairi's the flower girl and I had promised that I would supply her dress knowing how tight things can get in a wedding. Between finances being super tight, sickness, trip to Texas, and more sickness, I JUST got to go looking for her dress though. And we spent 5 hours at the mall looking. Oh my goodness, it was a nightmare. Thankfully Chris had Alex and they got to spend most of their day together and it was a good time for the, leaving me to just deal with one child at the mall, but it was still hard. And not only dealing w/ her at the mall for 5 hours, but then having to reexplain to every single cashier, older person, and the little "elves" running around the mall that we don't do Santa in our house so please don't bring him up (not to mention that Santa is parked in front of Sears, the store that we had to go through in order to get anywhere) ... it got old fast.

Browsing through the dresses with Kairi was fun, at first, though. She kept finding random dresses and going "Dis is what we want Mommy. Dis one will work. See Mommy? It's so pretty. Dis is de one. Let's buy it!" Not one of those dresses would have worked though. LOL We did eventually find her a dress. It's gorgeous and technically 2 sizes too big, but it will brush the floor and be pretty. My mom is going to make her a wrap to go with it as it's sleeveless and the wedding is outdoors (in December!).

We also, though, found hats. The Dillards at this mall isn't your normal Dillards. They call it a clearance center and basically any thing that doesn't get sold through other seasons, goes there on majorly reduced prices. While trying to find a dress that would work, Kairi spotted something. "MOMMY! DERE'S MY HATS! MY GARDEN HATS!" Garden hats??? I looked over and saw what she was talking about little girl Easter hats with pretty ribbons. She ran over before I had the chance to tell her not right now and started jamming as many on her head as she could. If I had let her, we would have walked out of the store with at least 5 hats. I made her narrow it down to 3. At $3/hat, I didn't think that that was bad, and she was sooo excited about them. It did teach me, though, that I need to get Alex a cowboy hat. He's been running around putting on the Easter hats (and Kairi's one pink cowboy hat) and shouting YEEHAW! It's adorable, but driving Chris insane. I keep hearing "YEEHAW!" "Alex, that's a girls' hat, take it off!" "No Daddy! YEEHAW! MINE!" lmbo...

Speaking of Alex, I need to get him ready. We have an ENT appointment this morning. I'm going to insist that someone listen to what I'm saying about his speech. It's driving me insane. He's not getting better. I can barely understand him. Kairi translates for us 90% of the time. And it's frustrating for Mommy, frustrating for Alex, and a general mess.


  1. Aww... Sorry about the Santa thing. I can't even imagine trying to avoid him completely... Our issue this year is as excited as she is about seeing him on tv and the idea of him, she's terrified of the ones at the mall! Later on in the day we got her to give one high five & say byebye, but that was it...

    Glad yall found the dress finally & the hat thing sounds cute lol.

    Hope today goes well!

  2. (((HUGS))) Glad you found a dress and some hats for Miss Kairi! I will be praying about Alex though!

  3. I keep meaning to write a specific blog post on Santa, but haven't found the time yet. But I've been lucky enough to avoid all tv mentions and such. lol :)
