Friday, June 18, 2010

To Do:

I haven't been around in a while because my days generally are so full that I don't have time to type, or I'm totally exhausted and can't think to type. But to help with the blogging, and to demonstrate exactly why I haven't been around, let me show you today's to do list. Btw, I hurt my back Tuesday, so this will all have to be done with a bad back. Joy....

1. Clean Alex's room. Scrub poop off his wall.
2. Steam clean both kids' rooms and the hall.
3. Put up groceries in the kitchen. Spot mop.
4. Laundry, laundry, more laundry. And then some laundry.
5. Take Zoe to the groomer's. Run across town to the NEX to get the bag I left there yesterday w/ batteries, razor blades, and a movie for the kids.
6. Pick up Zoe.
7. Vacuum and then steam clean a few spots down stairs.
8. Cook dinner.
9. Put kids to bed in time for friend to come over. Yay for girl time!

Oh, and I need to throw a shower some where in there. Not sure exactly when that's going to happen.

So, Nessa, if the bathroom isn't scrubbed, and there's still laundry on my bed this is my apology way in advance. lol I'm going to work as fast as I can. And Joyce, no comments about the laundry. It's still better than it was before. :P

Saturday, June 5, 2010

I have ...

A messed up crazy life right now. But I'm starting to love it again.

A dog that needs a backyard.

Two kids who need an attitude adjustment.

A husband who is far away but can't wait to be home again.

4 drafts of posts I've started but not completed for this blog, along w/ multiple other drafts for other blogs.

A knee that needs to be soaked because it decided to swell again tonight.

A couch full of laundry to put away.

A house that's almost all put back together. Almost.

And a jam packed summer that I'm really looking forward to.